Personality List

    Akita Inu Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Akita Inu? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Akita Inu from Dogs & Cats and what is the personality traits.

    Akita Inu

    ISTJ (6w5)

    Akita Inu personality type is ISTJ, which means that they are responsible, intelligent, and orderly. ISTJs are also known as the "Safari" or "Explorer" type, as they like to travel and seek out new experiences. ISTJs are responsible, reliable, and dependable. In addition, they do not get rattled easily, and they are persistent and determined. They know how to achieve their goals and are not afraid of hard work.

    Here are some phrases that ISTJs may use:

    I am going to get it done. I am going to get it done. I am going to get it done. I am going to get it done. I am going to get it done. I am going to get it done. I am going to get it done. I am going to get it done. I am going to get it done. I am going to get it done.

    ISTJ Strengths

    The best thing about ISTJ is that they are dependable and reliable. They can be trusted to accomplish their goals and will not let themselves be distracted from the task at hand. They have a strong sense of duty and honor, and they have a strong sense of responsibility and loyalty.

    A breed of Japanese Dog with a short double-coat making it appear generally buffer than it's Shiba cousins. Akita are powerful, independent and hardy in nature, their coloring can range from Ginger to Black or even Grey. It is important to note, that Akita are incredibly devoted dogs, with Hachiko being among the most renowned in the breeds' history. Originally Hunters, Akita Inu were trained to track and kill Elk, Wild Boars and Ussuri Brown Bears, the Samurai were even known to keep these dogs among them to serve as companions.

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