Personality List

    Cow (Cattle) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Cow (Cattle)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Cow (Cattle) from Animals and what is the personality traits.

    Cow (Cattle)

    ISFJ (9w1)

    Cow (Cattle) personality type is ISFJ, with a dominant Fi and Ne and a secondary Judger and Perceiver. Cows are extremely loyal, and they tend to be quite reluctant to leave their herd. ISFJs’ Ni and Se are in harmony, leading them to be very caring and gentle, and they will not tolerate anyone mistreating their herd. This is one of the reasons why they can be such great cowpersons. They do not like conflict, and they will gladly go along with the herd in order to avoid it.

    ISFJs can also be very loyal to their friends. They are often not in the mood to socialize in day-to-day life, and this makes them often seem shy and introverted in their daily interactions. However, when they do want to interact with others, they will do so in a very sincere and genuine manner. They are also very intuitive, and once they get to know someone, they will take care of them with all the love in the world.

    ISFJs are extremely reliable, which is why they are so good at their work. They are also very interested in the welfare of the herd, which makes them great at their jobs as well.

    Commonly found in or around farm life, Cows are the female equivalent of Bulls. They are mostly content creatures, who are more-or-less used to Human interaction. Cows produce edible milk and their meat is also consumed in a variety of dishes. Cows often wear large Cow Bells around their necks, this to ensure they won't escape despite their large size. All Cows are Herbivores, choosing to graze in their herds or by their lonesome.

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