Personality List

    Giraffe Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Giraffe? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Giraffe from Animals and what is the personality traits.


    INFJ (9w1)

    Giraffe personality type is INFJ, the rarest personality type in the world. The INFJ personality type is often described as the most complex of all the personality types, and they are often mistaken for being introverted or extroverted. The INFJ personality type is often thought of as introverted, because they are more focused on their own thoughts and feelings. They are not extroverts because they don’t seek the spotlight and they do not seek many friends. INFJ’s will often find people who are like-minded and share their interests, and they will cherish these relationships. Introverts, however, do not mean that they don’t enjoy company. INFJ’s love spending time alone, but they will also enjoy spending time with people.

    INFJ’s are often misunderstood because they can appear to other people as strange, strange, strange. They don’t seek to impress others or to be liked by them. INFJ’s are cautious because they know that other people are not to be trusted. They don’t believe in judging other people until you really know what makes them tick. INFJ’s are complex creatures because they think deeply about other people and their motives.

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