Personality List

    Glass Catfish Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Glass Catfish? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Glass Catfish from Animals and what is the personality traits.

    Glass Catfish

    INFJ (5w4)

    Glass Catfish personality type is INFJ, which means they are the rarest personality type in the world, making up only 3% of the population. (source)

    The introverted, intuitive, feeling (INFJ) type is the most rare personality type in the world, according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. There are only around 170,000 INFJs in the world. (source)

    Not surprisingly, INFJ's are noted for their intuition, empathy, and their ability to see what others cannot see.

    Why is it so rare?

    I don't have a definitive explanation for this, but I have a few thoughts.

    The first is that INFJ's can be particularly sensitive to their environment, so they may find it difficult to find a job. They are also known to be unusually introspective, which can make them highly aware of their surroundings. This can make them stand out at job interviews or in social situations.

    The second reason is that INFJ's are often highly creative. If they are not able to express themselves creatively in a job, they may not be able to find a job at all. Being creative is not usually something that employers value.

    Kryptopterus vitreolus, known in the aquarium trade traditionally as the glass catfish and also as the ghost catfish or phantom catfish, is a small species of Asian glass catfish. It is commonly seen in the freshwater aquarium trade, but its taxonomy is confusing and was only fully resolved in 2013. It is endemic to Thailand, and found in rivers south of the Isthmus of Kra that drain into the Gulf of Thailand and river basins in the Cardamom Mountains. There are also unconfirmed reports from Penang in Malaysia.

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