Personality List

    Greater Bird of Paradise Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Greater Bird of Paradise? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Greater Bird of Paradise from Animals and what is the personality traits.

    Greater Bird of Paradise

    ENFP (4w3)

    Greater Bird of Paradise personality type is ENFP, which is quite rare, but not unheard of. It’s not uncommon to find ENFPs who identify as MBTI ENTJs and INTP’s, but these cases are few and far between.

    As for why this is the case, we must consider the fact that over the course of history, ENFPs have tended to be more isolated and excluded from society than other types. It’s sometimes said that because of the depth of their imagination and the vividness of their dreams, ENFPs are more likely to be considered “mad” than other types. This has resulted in ENFPs having a less-than-perfect track record when it comes to job opportunities and other opportunities in society.

    Certainly, the stereotype of the mad genius is not entirely undeserved. Because ENFPs are so open with their emotions, they tend to express their true selves more readily than other types. Because of this, they tend to be more vulnerable to being misunderstood by others. Because ENFPs tend to have strong feelings about everything, this can lead to them being too emotional about things they don’t necessarily have a right to feel emotional about.

    The greater bird-of-paradise (Paradisaea apoda) is a bird-of-paradise in the genus Paradisaea.

    The greater bird-of-paradise is the largest member in the genus Paradisaea.

    Carl Linnaeus named the species Paradisaea apoda, or "legless bird-of-paradise", because early trade-skins to reach Europe were prepared without wings or feet by the indigenous New Guinean people; this led to the misconception that these birds were beautiful visitors from paradise that were kept aloft by their plumes and never touched the earth until death.

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