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    Enneagram Subtype 2w1 Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Enneagram Subtype 2w1? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Enneagram Subtype 2w1 from Enneagram and what is the personality traits.

    Enneagram Subtype 2w1

    ISFJ (2w1)

    Enneagram Subtype 2w1 personality type is ISFJ, the “sheltered” or “protective” personality. ISFJs are known for their warm, caring, and nurturing nature. They are very sensitive to the needs of others and are known for their sensitivity in relationships. It is very important to them that others are happy and comfortable with them. They are known for their mild sense of authority. ISFJs are often the ones who are most concerned with the feelings of others. They are very empathetic and are quick to sense when someone is upset. ISFJs are also known for being very kind, generous, and charitable. Although they are very loyal, they can sometimes be too protective of people they care about.

    ISFJs are very selective with their personal space. They have a tendency to prefer being alone. They often have a hard time being around large groups of people, especially when they do not know the people in the group. ISFJs need time alone to think and can be quite sensitive to other people’s feelings. They need their alone time to recharge and tend to avoid this at all costs.

    ISFJs can be quite shy and will often feel like an outsider because of it.

    Two with wing One: “The Servant”

    Both the Two and the One are strongly oriented towards their superego, so we see an increased sense of altruism in the Two with wing One. At the same time, the features of the Two and the One tend to conflict with each other: the Two they are emotional, interpersonal and histrionic, while Ones are rational, impersonal and self-controlled.

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