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    Enneagram Subtype 7w6 Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Enneagram Subtype 7w6? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Enneagram Subtype 7w6 from Enneagram and what is the personality traits.

    Enneagram Subtype 7w6

    ENFP (7w6)

    Enneagram Subtype 7w6 personality type is ENFP, which is a type that is often described as an “idealist”. They have a very keen interest in the arts, culture, and the humanities, and they tend to have practical considerations a lot lower on their list of priorities.

    ENFPs are great at prioritizing dreams. They have a knack for understanding the arts and the humanities, and they have a strong knack for seeing the possibilities in things. They have a wonderful capacity for imagination, so they have a tendency to dream big and often see the best in things.

    Because they value the arts and the humanities so highly, ENFPs often struggle with practicality. It can be difficult for an ENFP to ignore their aesthetic side and put their creativity into practice. They often have trouble balancing their practicality with their artistic inclination.

    There’s a tendency to want to pursue ideas for their own sake and seek out inspiration wherever they can find it. If they’re not careful, the practical side of the ENFP can get out of hand and take over their lives. They can let their practicality completely cloud their judgment, and this can often lead them to fail to see opportunities as they’re presented.

    The Seven Wing Six: “The Animator”

    The traits of the Seven and those of the Six are in some tension with each other: the Six are people oriented, while the Seven are oriented towards things and experiences, quite capable of fulfilling their own needs. In both types, however, there are dependencies; Six depend on finding approval and security from others, while Sevens depend on the environment to make them happy.

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