Personality List

    Smug Glasses Guy Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Smug Glasses Guy? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Smug Glasses Guy from Anime Archetypes and what is the personality traits.

    Smug Glasses Guy

    INTJ (5w6)

    Smug Glasses Guy personality type is INTJ, the Architect. They are the only type of people who can see beyond what you see. They are the only type of person that can see the other side to an argument. They are the only type of person that can see what is really happening in reality, and they are the only type of person that can see the bigger picture. They are the only type of person that can see you for who you really are, and they are the only type of person that can see what you really want. They are the only type of person that can see through your mask.

    INTJs are the only type of people who can see you for who you really are, and they are the only type of people who can see what you really want.

    INTJs are the only type of people that can see through your mask, because they cannot be fooled by your mask.

    The INTJ personality is very loyal to their friends, but also to themselves. They are not afraid to say what they think, and they always tell the truth. INTJs are always looking for something else to do in life to make them happy, and their friends know this.

    Bespectacled pretty boys are cool, calm and collected. It's not uncommon for them to also be intelligent and kick ass in a fight, as this character type tends to be where the opposing viewpoints of "glasses are for nerds" and "glasses look cool" converge.

    Most commonly, the glasses in question are of the narrow, thin-rimmed sort to avoid obscuring the bishie boy's pretty face, though they can be prone to shining spookily. Also, God help you if The Glasses Come Off.

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