Personality List

    Lev Parnas Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Lev Parnas? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Lev Parnas from Other Contemporary Political Figures and what is the personality traits.

    Lev Parnas

    ESTP (7w8)

    Lev Parnas personality type is ESTP, which is the type of the smartest person in the room. People with this personality type are usually highly intelligent, creative, and full of energy. They are also very social, popular, and energetic. However, they are “externalizing” personalities. They are not interested in expressing themselves through literature or art.

    The ESTP prefers to be at the center of attention, not the periphery.

    They are extroverts, but they are also very opinionated, impulsive, and spontaneous. They are good at organizing things, but they are not good at staying organized. They are very good at getting things done, but they are not good at thinking things through.

    They are more about the “action” part of the Parnas theory of leadership. You can summarize it by saying that ESTPs are decisive people who lead by doing things rather than talking about them. They do not like to spend time in meetings or with committees. They prefer to put their ideas into action quickly and decisively. As a result, they often act without knowing all the details.

    The ESTP wants to be the leader because they want to be in charge of their own life.

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