Personality List

    Franklin Pierce Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Franklin Pierce? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Franklin Pierce from Presidents Of The Usa and what is the personality traits.

    Franklin Pierce

    ESFJ (3w2)

    Franklin Pierce personality type is ESFJ, ENTP, ENTJ, or ENFP. While I’m not a fan of the last type, the first two can be charming and can be some of the most sought-after personalities for the field of psychology. This is because they are good at empathy and understanding people on a deep level.

    Pierce’s personality is an ancient one, dating back to ancient Greece. His personality has been described by psychologists as a “hypocrite” since he showed a lot of compassion and empathy during his time in politics, but was ruthless with his opponents.

    In fact, his persona is so strong that his nickname, “Fiddle-Picker” is still used today.

    In his time, he was a strong advocate for the rights of women and minorities. He was an ardent supporter of civil rights and saw slavery as a major issue in America.

    Pierce was a strong supporter of the Transcontinental Railroad. He was so dedicated to the idea that he had a large hand in developing the legislation for this endeavor.

    He is famous for his work with Benjamin Franklin and for writing the first draft of the Declaration of Independence.

    Franklin Pierce (November 23, 1804 – October 8, 1869) was the 14th President of the United States (1853–57), a northern Democrat who saw the abolitionist movement as a fundamental threat to the unity of the nation. He alienated anti-slavery groups by championing and signing the Kansas–Nebraska Act and enforcing the Fugitive Slave Act; yet he failed to stem conflict between North and South, setting the stage for Southern secession and the American Civil War. Pierce was born in New Hampshire, and he served in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate until he resigned from the Senate in 1842.

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