Personality List

    Zachary Taylor Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Zachary Taylor? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Zachary Taylor from Presidents Of The Usa and what is the personality traits.

    Zachary Taylor

    ISTJ (9w8)

    Zachary Taylor personality type is ISTJ, the “I” stands for “introverted” and the “S” stands for “extraverted”. ISTJs prefer to be alone and focus on their surroundings. Extraverts like to be in groups. While introverts may work best alone, extraverts do well with others. They are often good at making friends and can be very charming.

    Zachary Taylor is a great example of this. He was born in Virginia and grew up in a log cabin. He also liked to get things done independently and did not like to wait for others to take action. He was a fast learner and did not need much instruction to learn new things quickly. He later became a General in the Army, and was elected President in 1848. He is considered one of the best Presidents because he did not need others’ input and did not interfere with other people’s lives. He was a very decisive leader and did not waste time on things that were not important. He did not like fuss and frippery, but got things done his way.

    It is no surprise that this is the same personality type that has the tendency to become president.

    Zachary Taylor (November 24, 1784 – July 9, 1850) was the 12th President of the United States, serving from March 1849 until his death in July 1850. Taylor previously was a career officer in the United States Army, rose to the rank of major general and became a national hero as a result of his victories in the Mexican–American War, which won him election to the White House despite his vague political beliefs. His top priority as president was preserving the Union, but he died sixteen months into his term, before making any progress on the status of slavery, which had been inflaming tensions in Congress.

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