Personality List

    John Quincy Adams Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of John Quincy Adams? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for John Quincy Adams from Presidents Of The Usa and what is the personality traits.

    John Quincy Adams

    INTJ (8w9)

    John Quincy Adams personality type is INTJ, which means you are the "Super Genius" of the INTJ Personality Type.

    The INTJ Personality Type is the 6th most common personality type found in the world, making up 6% of the population.

    INTJs are very intelligent, and they tend to be introspective and analytical. They are often described as aloof and reserved.

    INTJs are known for having a very dry sense of humor, and they usually don't laugh at most things that others would find funny.

    Because of their analytical skills, most INTJs are extremely good at solving problems, and they are usually good with computers.

    INTJs tend to be introspective and analytical, which means they like to understand things on a deep level, and they like to figure out why things happen in the world.

    INTJs are among the most well-adjusted of all personality types, and many INTJs prefer to work alone in order to get their thoughts down on paper or in an organized fashion.

    INTJs are very bright and intelligent, but they can sometimes be arrogant, because INTJs know that they are intelligent, and they value that intelligence above all else.

    John Quincy Adams (July 11, 1767 – February 23, 1848) was an American statesman who served as a diplomat, minister and ambassador to foreign nations, and treaty negotiator, United States Senator, U.S. Representative (Congressman) from Massachusetts, and the sixth president of the United States from 1825 to 1829. He was the son of second president John Adams (1735–1826, served 1797–1801) and his wife, Abigail Adams. He was a member of the Federalists, like his father, but later switched to the Jeffersonian Democratic-Republican, National Republican, and later the Anti-Masonic and Whig parties when they were organized.

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