Personality List

    Abigail Adams Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Abigail Adams? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Abigail Adams from First Ladies Of The United States and what is the personality traits.

    Abigail Adams

    ISFJ (1w2)

    Abigail Adams personality type is ISFJ, which is described in the following way:

    ISFJs are warm, loyal, and kind. They are also very patient and loyal. They are very dependable and trustworthy. ISFJs are also very practical and down to earth. They are practical, reliable, and dependable. They are good at listening, observing, and understanding. ISFJs are often very gentle and kind. They are also very helpful and generous to others. They are also good at organizing, planning, and directing. ISFJs are often quiet, reserved, and serious. They are also very responsible and reliable. They are also very good at expressing their feelings and opinions. ISFJs are often practical, dependable, and consistent. They are also very systematic and orderly. They are also good at being patient, persistent, and understanding. ISFJs are sometimes quiet, serious, responsible, practical, consistent, orderly, calm, patient, consistent, loyal, consistent, practical, dependable, reliable, organized, responsible, kind, helpful, generous, quiet, reserved, serious, easygoing, consistent, dependable, orderly, persistent, loyal, good at expressing feelings

    Abigail Adams (née Smith; November 22, [O.S. November 11] 1744 – October 28, 1818) was the wife and closest advisor of John Adams, as well as the mother of John Quincy Adams. She is sometimes considered to have been a Founder of the United States, and is now designated as the first Second Lady and second First Lady of the United States, although these titles were not used at the time.

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