Personality List

    Martha Washington Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Martha Washington? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Martha Washington from First Ladies Of The United States and what is the personality traits.

    Martha Washington

    ISFJ (XwX)

    Martha Washington personality type is ISFJ, not INFP.

    The ISFJ personality type is made up of Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging types, which are roughly equivalent to the Sensing-Intuition-Feeling dichotomy of many personality typologies. The ISFJ personality type is also sometimes referred to as the “Stoic” personality type, or “Valued Advisor” personality type, because these types are often seen as being very practical, with a quiet sense of dignity, and with a strong sense of morals.

    The ISFJ personality type is also called the “Stifle” personality type since this type will often internalize their emotions and need to be careful about what words they use, since they are likely to internalize any criticism they may receive as a harsh, unforgiving judgment on themselves as a whole.

    The ISFJ personalty type is often described as quiet, reserved, and responsible, and as having a strong sense of values and morals. ISFJs often find it difficult to express themselves openly and honestly to others, and often must work through their feelings and ideas before they can speak to others.

    Martha Washington (née Dandridge; June 13 [O.S. June 2] 1731– May 22, 1802) was the wife of George Washington, the first President of the United States. Although the title was not coined until after her death, Martha Washington served as the inaugural First Lady of the United States. During her lifetime she was often referred to as "Lady Washington". Martha may have had an illegitimate half-sister, Ann Dandridge Costin (years of birth and death unknown), who was born into slavery. Costin's enslaved mother was of African and Cherokee descent, and her father was believed to be John Dandridge. Martha's father may also have fathered an out-of-wedlock half-brother to Martha named Ralph Dandridge (years of birth and death unknown), who was probably white.

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