Personality List

    Khal Drogo Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Khal Drogo? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Khal Drogo from Game Of Thrones 2011 and what is the personality traits.

    Khal Drogo

    ESTP (8w7)

    Khal Drogo personality type is ESTP, which is a combination of the two primary functions, Extraverted Sensing and Thinking.

    ESTP personalities are bold, forward-thinking and energetic. They tend to be smart and very curious people who want to learn and understand everything around them. ESTPs make excellent leaders because they are decisive and decisive in their decisions. ESTPs are also very fun-loving people who love to have a good time and get involved in social activities. People with this personality type can be very charismatic and get others to do things for them. ESTPs are usually not too fussy about their surroundings and can take a lot of getting used to for other personality types.

    ESTPs take a lot of pride in their appearance and can be a bit vain. They love wearing nice clothes and don’t mind going out in public in a suit. ESTPs love to be the center of attention and will do anything to keep themselves in the spotlight. Because of their extraverted nature, ESTPs can move too quickly when they decide to do something and tend to be impulsive when it comes to making decisions. ESTPs will not hesitate to take action and rarely think things through before they act.

    George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire novels feature a sizable cast of characters. The series follows three interwoven plotlines: a dynastic war for control of Westeros by several families; the rising threat of the superhuman Others beyond Westeros' northern border; and the ambition of Daenerys Targaryen, the exiled heir of the previous ruling dynasty. The Great Houses of Westeros represent the Seven Kingdoms forged across the continent: the North, the Iron Islands, the Vale of Arryn, the Westerlands, the Stormlands, the Reach, and Dorne. A massive Wall of ice and old magic separates the Seven Kingdoms from the largely unmapped area in the most northern portion of the continent. Each chapter is narrated in the third-person limited point of view through the eyes of a single character. Beginning with nine POV characters in A Game of Thrones, a total of thirty-one such characters have narrated over the course of the first five volumes of the series.

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