Personality List

    Thoros of Myr Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Thoros of Myr? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Thoros of Myr from Game Of Thrones 2011 and what is the personality traits.

    Thoros of Myr

    ENFP (7w6)

    Thoros of Myr personality type is ENFP, as represented by the colors red and green. The element fire is very strong in both of these, and Thoros is fiery to his friends, while also being very direct and honest with his enemies. He has a deep love of life (and death), and for this reason he is often depicted holding a flaming torch.

    Like the other four main characters, Thoros is not very physically impressive. He's not particularly tall, or physically powerful, or good with weapons. He's also not very smart, or very witty. But he's self-possessed, and he has a certain charisma that enchants people. And he really cares about his friends.

    Red's the color of passion, energy, intensity, and enthusiasm. It's also the color of anger, determination, and aggression. It's an emotional color associated with the heart. Green is the color of nature and growth, particularly in the natural world. It's also associated with money and material wealth, especially in the abstract financial world of commerce. These two colors go well together in the Tarot deck spread.

    Thoros, commonly known as Thoros of Myr, is a recurring character in the third season. He is played by Paul Kaye. Thoros is a red priest of the Lord of Light and a noted warrior.

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