Personality List

    Yoren Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Yoren? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Yoren from Game Of Thrones 2011 and what is the personality traits.


    ISTP (9w8)

    Yoren personality type is ISTP, or the “Shrewd Hunter.” As ISTPs it is their task to take in information from all angles and then process it to find the best possible solution. They are excellent spies and trackers, able to isolate the information that is relevant to a particular situation and then process it quickly to arrive at a solution. ISTP’s are also very good at recognizing patterns and seeing the order in chaos, which can help them in a wide range of areas.

    ISTP Introvert

    ISTP introverts have a lot going on in their heads. They aren’t particularly concerned with other people’s thoughts, but they do have a lot of their own which they mull over while they work. ISTPs don’t usually express themselves well verbally, preferring to work through their thoughts in their head. They do have a tendency to over think things and over analyze them, which can lead to a lot of anxiety. They need to be careful not to let this anxiety get in the way of their work though. Introverts tend to be good at following a set routine, which can help them focus their energy on a project or task while they gather their thoughts.

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