Personality List

    Clara O'Dea Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Clara O'Dea? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Clara O'Dea from Assassins Creed and what is the personality traits.

    Clara O'Dea

    ENTJ (8w7)

    Clara O'Dea personality type is ENTJ, according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the most popular type indicator for identifying psychological preferences. ENTJs are generally very dominant, competitive, and aggressive, and they tend to be highly critical of people who do not live up to the standards they expect. These traits are often very evident in their parenting styles, as they push their children to be perfect, and often punish or criticize them when they do not live up to these standards. ENTJs are often very intelligent, and they tend to spend a great deal of time on intellectual pursuits, developing new ideas and researching information. ENTJs are usually very decisive and decisive, and they tend to drive people toward their own goals. They are very goal-oriented, and they tend to become very angry when others do not communicate clearly or do not follow their directions. They are also very determined, and they will often pursue their goals with great persistence.

    For more information on what makes this personality type tick, read through the following descriptions of the ENTJ personality type.

    Entrepreneurial Mindset

    ENTJs are often very driven individuals who seek to achieve their goals no matter what the cost may be.

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