Personality List

    Aoi Akane Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Aoi Akane? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Aoi Akane from Jibaku Shounen Hanako Kun and what is the personality traits.

    Aoi Akane

    ISTJ (6w5)

    Aoi Akane personality type is ISTJ, while the personality type of the player character is ISTJ. The personality type of the player character is also ISTJ.

    Neutral, although it's possible to be more socially dominant in the game.

    The player character is an example of the ISTJ personality type.

    There are several other characters in the game that are ISTJ.

    Aoi Akane's personality type is likely to be compared with that of the player character.

    The player character is an example of the ISTJ personality type.

    The player character is likely to be compared with that of Aoi Akaane.

    The player character is an example of the ISTJ personality type.

    The player character is likely to be compared with that of Aoi Akaane, when she is in her happy ending.

    The player character is an example of the ISTJ personality type.

    The player character is likely to be compared with that of Aoi Akaane in her happy ending.

    Neutral, although it's possible to be more socially dominant in the game.

    The player character is an example of the ISTJ personality type.

    Aoi Akane (蒼井茜 ) is a first year student at Kamome Academy's High School division as one of Nene's classmates, and the student council's vice president.

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