Personality List

    Duchess Swan Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Duchess Swan? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Duchess Swan from Ever After High 2013 and what is the personality traits.

    Duchess Swan

    ENTJ (3w4)

    Duchess Swan personality type is ENTJ, the "Mastermind" personality type. ENTJs are the most likely to be charismatic, brilliant, and successful. They are extremely confident in their abilities, and are usually perceived as very decisive, self-assured, and energetic. They are also the most likely to take on leadership roles. ENTJs are often referred to as "the executive" type, because they are the most likely to be considered for high-ranking corporate roles, or other leadership roles within an organization. The ENTJ is very goal-oriented, and will work hard to achieve their goals. ENTJs are also very good at holding executive positions. They are very organized and tend to think strategically about their goals and the steps necessary to achieve them. ENTJs are most likely to be seen as "leaders" by others, and they tend to be more confident than most personality types. ENTJs are sometimes referred to as "the CEO" personality type.

    ENTJ Personality Type Profile

    Extraverted Intuition (Ne) – The ENTJ is most likely to be perceived as confident and decisive, and they may even come off as arrogant sometimes. They can be very charismatic and dynamic in meetings and conversations.

    Duchess Swan is a 2013-introduced and all-around character. She is part of Swan Lake as the next Swan Queen, and she is a student at Ever After High. In the destiny conflict, she is on the Royal side, even though she doesn't like her destiny, she still considers herself part of the Royal crowd. The reason why is because there is no Happily Ever After in her destiny, and because of this; Duchess is a bitter person who'll go to great lengths to punish people who has a Happily Ever After on their destiny and doesn't commit themselves to it. She also occasionally tries to forcefully switch her destiny with another princess's, but so far she has failed in changing her fate with others.

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