Personality List

    Ghost Boy Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Ghost Boy? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Ghost Boy from Coraline 2009 and what is the personality traits.

    Ghost Boy

    INFP (4w5)

    Ghost Boy personality type is INFP, which means that their self-concept is built on feelings of worthlessness and insecurity.

    This means that children who were subjected to severe physical, emotional, or sexual abuse may well have a “Dark Triad” personality type.

    In the case of children who are physically abused, their abuser may have been a bad parent. But in many cases, the child is the abuser. In the case of children who are emotionally abused, their abusers may have been bad parents. But in many cases, the child is the abuser. In the case of children who are sexually abused, their abusers may have been bad parents. But in many cases, the child is the abuser.

    In all cases, the child may well have a “Dark Triad” personality type.


    The “Dark Triad” personality traits are:

    Machiavellianism (the ability to manipulate others) Narcissism (the ability to be self-centered) Psychopathy (the ability to be callous and cold)

    As children grow up in violent environments, they learn that it’s okay to be manipulative and self-centered.

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