Personality List

    Miko Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Miko? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Miko from No Game No Life and what is the personality traits.


    ENTJ (8w9)

    Miko personality type is ENTJ, which means you’re a natural-born leader. Tapping into our innate competitiveness, you are energized by the need to overcome challenges and to lead through command. You are always in search of new challenges, new opportunities, and new ways to create value. This is your strength, but it can also be your Achilles’ heel.

    You are likely to be the Type A leader who enjoys pushing yourself to take on new challenges. As long as you are in command, you will be an effective leader. But as soon as you feel the need to delegate, you will struggle with your ability to let go and allow others to lead. This is because your ENTJ nature drives you to be the best and the first. You don’t like it when you see others doing better than you, and you don’t like it when others take credit for your accomplishments.

    This can lead you to micromanage and even become tyrannical. As a result, it’s very important for you to recognize and celebrate the strengths of those around you and to recognize and honor their contributions.

    ENTJs are very decisive, action-oriented leaders who prefer working with clear goals and objectives.

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