Personality List

    Betsy “Mama” Krabs Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Betsy “Mama” Krabs? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Betsy “Mama” Krabs from Spongebob Squarepants 1999 and what is the personality traits.

    Betsy “Mama” Krabs

    ENFJ (7w8)

    Betsy “Mama” Krabs personality type is ENFJ, while Pearl Krabs’ is ENFP.

    According to ENFJ’s type page, this is an “INTJ” personality type, which indicates that it is “a combination of extroversion and intuition”.

    ENFP’s type page says that the “typical ENFP is self-aware, imaginative, lively, and inventive”, and their most common “positive traits” are “outgoing, creative, charismatic, flexible, and adaptable”.

    An ENFP is most likely to be found in the fields of “art, music, writing, and business”. This is the type of person who would be more likely to own a pet octopus named “Mr. Krabs”, who would often get frustrated with SpongeBob for being lazy.

    However, while the two are similar in many ways, they are vastly different in other areas.

    For example, while both are creative and industrious, ENFPs are more likely to be artistic at heart, while ENFJs are more likely to be deeply committed to the ideals of the world.

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