Personality List

    Frank Gallagher Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Frank Gallagher? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Frank Gallagher from Shameless Us 2011 and what is the personality traits.

    Frank Gallagher

    ENTP (7w8)

    Frank Gallagher personality type is ENTP, which is part of the 'The Idealist' type. ENTP's are often very perceptive (both of others and of themselves) and they tend to be very quick-witted, though sometimes they can act too quickly without thinking it through. Another characteristic of ENTP is that they are rational, logical, and questioning. They are usually friendly and outgoing, but can also be quite shy. ENTPs don't usually like to stick to the rules, but will do so when they must. ENTPs are sometimes seen as being too intelligent for their own good, but they are actually very perceptive and sometimes even wise. They are highly independent, but can also be quite insecure. ENTPs are very adaptable and they don't like to stick to the rules, especially if they conflict with their own truth. In other words, ENTPs will often break the rules if they feel it is the right thing to do.

    Because of this, other types can often see ENTPs as being rebellious or even dangerous. However, this is not the case.

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