Personality List

    Dogcopter Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Dogcopter? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Dogcopter from Steven Universe 2013 and what is the personality traits.


    INFJ (4w5)

    Dogcopter personality type is INFJ, an introverted intuitive judger. The INFJ is intuitive, thoughtful, sensitive, and diplomatic. INFJs are often attracted to careers that have a strong social component, including nursing, counseling, social work, psychology, and teaching.

    People who are Covert Narcissists are probably INFJs. Covert Narcissists are usually extremely intelligent, have above average emotional intelligence, and are usually very good at reading people. They have a deep understanding of the motivations of people. They are usually very good at acting on their insights.

    They are very good at sensing what others think of them, and they are often very good at manipulating people to do their bidding.

    Covert Narcissists are very intelligent, but they are also very arrogant. They tend to be very manipulative, especially with INFJ's who are prone to being conned by Covert Narcissists. This is why INFJ's can be so easily duped by Covert Narcissists.

    Covert Narcissists are almost always insecure about some aspect of themselves. They are likely to have some sort of physical or psychological problem that they are trying to cover up with their arrogance.

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