Personality List

    Jasper Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Jasper? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Jasper from Steven Universe 2013 and what is the personality traits.


    ESTJ (8w9)

    Jasper personality type is ESTJ, which is the best personality type for leadership. ESTJs are good with the details, are down to earth, practical, and rule-bound. They are loyal to people they have known for a long time, but are not very fond of change.

    ESTJs are very good at handling money, they are very logical, and are able to work long hours. ESTJs have a hard time expressing their emotions, so they can be very difficult to read. They are very independent, and are not very good at asking for help.

    ESTJs are good at handling money, they are very logical, and are able to work long hours. ESTJs have a hard time expressing their emotions, so they can be very difficult to read. They are very independent, and are not very good at asking for help.

    ESTJ Personality Type: Assessment

    ESTJ Personality Type: The Visionary

    ESTJ Personality Type: The Idealist

    ESTJ Personality Type: The Leader

    ESTJ Personality Type: The Entrepreneur

    ESTJ Personality Type: The Analyst

    ESTJ Personality Type: The Logistician

    ESTJ Personality Type: The Commander

    "Fusion! always Fusion... is that the only trick you Crystal Gems know?"

    Jasper is a bully in the truest sense. Deep down, she's afraid there's something wrong with her, so she has to feed her ego. She has to put other Gems down to stay on top. Who she is and where she's from gnaws at her all the time. She has a fantastic reputation, she's considered the greatest Quartz soldier produced on Earth, and that might impress other Gems, but it will never be good enough for her. She will always feel held back, and she'll always feel the need to go further to get ahead.

    The Gems live in a society with a very rigid social order and caste system, and Jasper has completely bought into that, and her self-worth is attached to it. Because she loves honor, fighting, making her mark, and winning the battle, she'll actually go against her programming a little bit just to be the winner. So she can be self-destructive at times. She is tragically obsessed with proving her superiority.

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