Personality List

    Obsidian Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Obsidian? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Obsidian from Steven Universe 2013 and what is the personality traits.


    ISTP (9w8)

    Obsidian personality type is ISTP, which means that they are very independent. They are creative, independent, individualistic, and creative. They are more of a thinker than the other types. ISTPs are creative, independent, creative, but very independent of themselves. They would rather create things themselves than use things of others. They are very strong in their own space, their own territory.

    ISTPS are very strong in their own space, their own territory. They are very creative, independent, creative individuals who want to create things themselves rather than using things of others. They are very strong in their own space, their own territory. ISTPs tend to be more in the creative and in the creative process than the other types. ISTPs will tend to be more in the creative and in the creative process than the other types. If we look at the way that individuals think and their preferences, we see that ISTPs prefer to create things themselves rather than using things of others. Rather than using things of others, ISTPs prefer to create things themselves rather than using things of others.

    ISTPs would rather create things themselves than use things of others. Rather than using things of others, ISTPs would rather create things themselves than use things of others.

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