Personality List

    Rainbow Quartz 2.0 Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Rainbow Quartz 2.0? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Rainbow Quartz 2.0 from Steven Universe 2013 and what is the personality traits.

    Rainbow Quartz 2.0

    ESFJ (2w1)

    Rainbow Quartz 2.0 personality type is ESFJ, and the Meyers Briggs is MBTI, ISTJ. Most of my interests are in the Fe-Si area as well as the Te-Fi-Ne axis. I have a lot of self-confidence in my abilities but also a great deal of tact and diplomacy that can be used to help others and speak for them when necessary.

    I was really excited to get a phone so that I could call my family and friends overseas. I want to call them more often, but I only get to talk once a week by phone.

    My husband was very eager to get the phone, he needed to talk to his mother in America and he had never been able to talk very long with her before. He wanted the phone so that he could talk to her and ask her about things that he had no time to ask about. He would like for us to get a house with a lot of room so that he could have a computer room and a library so he could read more books. He would like it better if we lived closer to his family so that he would not have to drive so much.

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