Personality List

    Arctic Monkeys - Potion Approaching Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Arctic Monkeys - Potion Approaching? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Arctic Monkeys - Potion Approaching from 2000s Music and what is the personality traits.

    Arctic Monkeys - Potion Approaching

    INTP (XwX)

    Arctic Monkeys - Potion Approaching personality type is INTP, if you know what you are like, you can feel free to add your own experiences. I’m sure others will add their own feelings and thoughts on this matter. I for one could not stand to be around the man at all, because he was so cruel. I felt the coldness of his personality, but I still tried to be polite to him, because I took him for a friend, which he wanted me to think he was. But he was not. He was cold and calculated. He was not a friend, but a cold hearted person. I know that he was very smart, and that he had a good bone structure, but he could not control his emotions. I am glad that I at least knew what type he was, because if he had not told me, I would have never known the truth about him. I was able to hold it together through out the whole relationship. He was not happy with himself at all, so he tried to bring me down to his level, so that he could feel better about himself. When he found out about my true personality, he became so angry. It was so hard for me to handle the situation.

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