Personality List

    Muse - Megalomania Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Muse - Megalomania? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Muse - Megalomania from 2000s Music and what is the personality traits.

    Muse - Megalomania

    INTP (5w4)

    Muse - Megalomania personality type is INTP, and the Ne-Ti-Si-Te axis is INTP. One or all of those letters can be missing or even reversed, so it's hard to be sure. But the fact that the letters are there and INTP is a possibility, and the fact that I can't find much about the Ne-Ti axis in the INFp section of the MBTI, suggests that it might be INTP, or that it might not be.

    So it's not necessary to assume that the Ne-Ti axis has to be INFp. INTP, INTp, and INFp all have their own individual things going on. There's nothing wrong with either of them. But the fact that INFp has a very strong Ne-Ti axis and INTP a very strong Si-Te axis seems to fit a Ne-Ti-Si-Te axis better than a Si-Te-Ti axis.

    I've never heard of anyone who's been able to "change" from INFp to INTP. That's probably because INFps don't care about changing. They do what they do and that's that.

    An overblown anti-religious album closer using a Gothic-style church pipe organ. Matt once described recording this song as being difficult, saying that the reason why recording the song was difficult is because of its meaning, that it's about "deconstructing the Church". Saying how "it's a relic of the past, and how it's basically just something to empower man to give manpower to, you know, to take money from people, stuff like that. Well I suppose there are some good things behind it, but the Pope is corrupt." He also stated in the same interview that the organ was the only thing worth going to Church for. A megalomania is "a symptom of mental illness marked by delusions of greatness, wealth, etc." or "an obsession with doing extravagant or grand things".

    Matt described the song as; "This is directed at what would be God, asking why we should go forth and multiply? What's the point?"

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