Personality List

    Nathan Myhrvold Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Nathan Myhrvold? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Nathan Myhrvold from Technology and what is the personality traits.

    Nathan Myhrvold

    INTP (5w6)

    Nathan Myhrvold personality type is INTP, which is the most common personality type in the United States. Most of the time, INTPs are capable of getting along with just about anyone. They are extremely curious, which drives them to explore new ideas and concepts. To some people, this can make them appear arrogant or condescending, but most of the time, this is not the case.

    You can learn more about INTPs in this article.

    Gordon Ramsay personality type is ENTP, which is one of the rarest personality types in the world. Gordon Ramsay personality type is 4 percent of the population. According to the BBC, Gordon Ramsay personality type is more common in successful actors and musicians.

    You can learn more about the BBC’s research here.

    What About Other People’s Thoughts?

    Your friends and family may have an opinion about your personality type, but what about your coworkers? We all have our own opinions about which personality types are the most annoying, but have you ever asked an employee if their coworkers think they are annoying? It is likely that some coworkers do not think that you are annoying at all, but others will probably tell you that you are too bossy or too impatient.

    Nathan Paul Myhrvold, formerly Chief Technology Officer at Microsoft, is co-founder of Intellectual Ventures and the principal author of Modernist Cuisine and its successor books. Myhrvold was listed as co-inventor on 17 U.S. patents at Microsoft and is co-inventor on over 900 other U.S. patents issued to his corporation and its affiliates.

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