Personality List

    General Payne Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of General Payne? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for General Payne from The Sims Series and what is the personality traits.

    General Payne

    ESTJ (1w9)

    General Payne personality type is ESTJ, or Exact or Severe, Thinking, The Judging Type.

    Source: MBTI Manual, 4th Edition

    Payne is the logical, self-assured, socially skilled, decisive, and confident member of any group. He’s the one who says what he means, means what he says, and backs up his actions with facts.

    The ESTJ personality is one of the most common types found in an organization, making up about 15% of the population. They are the company’s idea man, the one who’s got the plan for everything, and does it all with a calm, steady “here’s what we’re going to do” attitude.

    Payne is an introverted thinker with a focus on details. He has a strong understanding of the world around him and uses this to make decisions based on logic without emotion or subjectivity. He will make decisions based on facts alone.

    Payne is highly organized and highly competent and highly self-confident and is an expert at getting things done.

    General Payne has been given the responsibility of creating new experimental technology for the armed forces of SimCity. His work at The Octagon is top secret and, some say, unethical. Visitors have been known to vanish without a trace. Or is that just an urban myth? Perhaps if you get to work with General Payne, you'll learn how he got his name. His roommate in the Octagon is Maxine Powers.

    Payne also works as a Secret Agent on the Paramilitary career track.

    Favorite Interactions: Force to Slap Self, Snap Out Of It!

    His last name is an obvious pun on "Pain".

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