Personality List

    Intern Agent Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Intern Agent? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Intern Agent from The Sims Series and what is the personality traits.

    Intern Agent

    ESTJ (3w4)

    Intern Agent personality type is ESTJ, which means they share the same values as the traditionalist, patriotic, and good-old-fashioned type, known as the "stick-in-the-mud" or "stoic" personality. ESTJs are practical, reliable, and organized. They're dependable, reliable, and trustworthy. ESTJs are extremely loyal to their loved ones and to their work. They have a sensible approach to nearly everything.

    ESTJs are hard-working, practical, and down-to-earth. They have a strong work ethic. They dislike being bothered with things they don't have to do and they feel pretty uncomfortable in social situations where they feel they don't add anything of use to the conversation. They want to add value to the people around them, but don't want to be asked for their opinion on everything under the sun. They're very independent and when they're not working, they're usually in their own heads thinking about what they're going to do next or how to make a better living.

    ESTJs make a great agent because they represent a good balance between the more outgoing and sociable types and the more withdrawn and introverted types.

    Intern Agent is part of the Maxis-made Agent household, which was formerly available from the official website for The Sims. She is the only member of his household not named for a U.S. government agency. Instead, she shares her name with a career level in the Politics and Medicine careers, both of which imply a student or trainee working to gain experience in their chosen field. Considering the nature of the household, it is likely that she is intended to be a political intern, which is supported by her career in Politics, though her career level is Campaign Worker rather than Intern. She is the only member of the Agent household to have no skills.

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