Personality List

    Betsy Heron Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Betsy Heron? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Betsy Heron from Mean Girls 2004 and what is the personality traits.

    Betsy Heron

    ISTJ (1w2)

    Betsy Heron personality type is ISTJ, but she has a strong preference to be an INTJ.

    What is the personality type of Betsy Heron?

    ISTJ personality type is the most common type of personality. They are the most common personality type in the world, so it’s no wonder that Betsy Heron personality type is ISTJ, and she has a primary preference to be an INTJ. ISTJ personality is quite rare and it is estimated that only around 10% of people have this personality type.

    ISTJs are the guardians of our routines and schedules, and they prefer to stick to them. They like to know what is coming next and they like to feel like they can control their lives and the people around them. ISTJ personality type is good at following instructions, but they can get bored if they don’t get enough challenge in their lives.

    INTJs are very curious and analytical people who love to learn and understand new things. They like to find out how things work and they want to try new things for the sake of understanding. INTJs like to be independent, and they thrive on solving problems rather than following easy solutions.

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