Personality List

    Clive Bixby Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Clive Bixby? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Clive Bixby from Modern Family 2009 and what is the personality traits.

    Clive Bixby

    ENTP (8w7)

    Clive Bixby personality type is ENTP, he is an “Enterprise” personality type. ENTP personality types are the most common personality type in the world (and at work). This personality type is characterized by the following characteristics:

    They are intelligent, innovative, energetic, flexible, adaptable, and original.

    ENTP personality types are believed to be the most open to change and the least bound by tradition. They like to be on the cutting edge of new ideas.

    ENTP Personality Type – ENTP Characteristics

    ENTP personality types are fun-loving, creative, and highly intelligent people who are always up for new ideas. They are also generally flexible and adaptable. They love to work on new ideas and can be very innovative. ENTP personality types are commonly described as “a jack of all trades” or “the master of many things”. They are usually very good at identifying problems and finding solutions.

    ENTP Personality Type – ENTP Work Environment

    ENTP personality types are generally gifted at solving problems at work. They are usually good at brainstorming new ideas, creating solutions, identifying problems and coming up with innovative ideas for new products, processes, and services.

    Clive Bixby is Phil's alter ego he created together with Claire's Julianna for their Valentine's Day dates.

    Introduced in "My Funky Valentine", Phil describes Clive as a business man who designs high-end electro-acoustic transducers. He has been featured frequently since, especially during the Valentine's Day episodes. Clive is shown to have the tendency to accidentally make funny innuendos while trying to talk smoothly.

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