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    Edvard Munch Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Edvard Munch? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Edvard Munch from Artists and what is the personality traits.

    Edvard Munch

    INFP (4w5)

    Edvard Munch personality type is INFP, and also incidentally the least likely to be a psychopath or sociopath.

    In this way, it is not surprising that the INFP has been over-represented in the arts. In general, they have a strong aesthetic, and a well-developed imagination. They are also sensitive to the feelings of others, and are often caring and compassionate. However, they can also be prone to mood swings, and sometimes suffer from depression. They often have difficulty expressing their feelings, and often keep their emotions deep inside. This can make them seem distant or cold, especially to those who do not understand their personality type.

    INFPs are the most likely personality type to be artistic geniuses. While not all INFPs are creative geniuses, they are more likely than other personality types to be artistic geniuses. This is because they are more likely to be highly creative, and because they are less likely than other personality types to be attracted to power or status for its own sake.

    The INFP is also very likely to be an artist of some kind. They often have an aptitude for visual arts, and often exhibit high levels of creativity in their art.

    Edvard Munch was a Norwegian painter. His best known work, The Scream, has become one of the iconic images of world art. His childhood was overshadowed by illness, bereavement and the dread of inheriting a mental condition that ran in the family.

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