Personality List

    Pamela Segura Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Pamela Segura? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Pamela Segura from Artists and what is the personality traits.

    Pamela Segura

    INFJ (9w1)

    Pamela Segura personality type is ENFJ, which makes them moderate in extroversion and introversion. ENFJs are extremely warm and affectionate, and want to connect with others, often in a very personal way. ENFJs are driven by their desire to protect their loved ones, and are extremely capable of doing so. They are loyal and they show their devotion through their actions. ENFJs are driven by their desire to protect their loved ones, and are extremely capable of doing so. They are loyal and they show their devotion through their actions. ENFJs are very competent in their careers, and seek an environment that allows them to influence others for the greater good. As leaders, ENFJs bring a lot of charisma and warmth to the table. ENFJs are very competent in their careers, and seek an environment that allows them to influence others for the greater good. As leaders, ENFJs bring a lot of charisma and warmth to the table. ENFJs are naturally warm and affectionate people, and this helps them connect with their friends and loved ones. ENFJs are naturally warm and affectionate people, and this helps them connect with their friends and loved ones.

    Professional makeup artist and content creator, who studied fashion makeup in Toronto (more exactly, at the College of Makeup Art and Design). She is recognized in the advertising and editorial makeup area.

    Maquilladora profesional y creadora de contenido. Adquirió sus conocimientos en la CMU de Toronto en 2012. Pamela es actualmente una de las maquilladoras más reconocidas en México en el área publicitaria y editorial.

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