Personality List

    Sam Yang (samdoesarts) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Sam Yang (samdoesarts)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Sam Yang (samdoesarts) from Artists and what is the personality traits.

    Sam Yang (samdoesarts)

    ENFJ (5w6)

    Sam Yang (samdoesarts) personality type is INTP, occupation is high school teacher. He's in the household of his mother, who describes him as being "mostly quiet but he has a big personality when he wants to show it". His hobbies are playing video games and watching anime.

    Sam Yang (samdoesarts) favorite season is Summer. He dislikes Autumn because he thinks of it as cold and unpleasant.

    Sam Yang (samdoesarts) favorite food is ramen.

    Sam Yang (samdoesarts) favorite animal is foxes.

    Sam Yang (samdoesarts) favorite color is purple (he's a moe kind of guy).

    Sam Yang (samdoesarts) favorite song is "Temptation" by Matthew Good.

    Sam Yang (samdoesarts) favorite movie is The Matrix.

    Freelance artist in Toronto with over 1 million followers on Instagram and 300k subscribers on Youtube.

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