Personality List

    Measurehead Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Measurehead? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Measurehead from Disco Elysium and what is the personality traits.


    ESTJ (1w9)

    Measurehead personality type is ESTJ, which indicates that they are the "executive secretary" type. In other words, they are the type of person who can organize, plan, and execute big projects with precision and efficiency. ESTJs are the type of people who know how to run an efficient organization.

    ESTJs are often very goal-oriented and driven, although they tend to take things much more literally than their ENFP counterparts. For example, many ESTJs will draw up plans that are so detailed that they can be followed step by step, even down to the tiniest details. They don't usually question whether or not things are realistic or possible. This can be really frustrating for their ENFP colleagues, who feel like their ideas are often not taken seriously because the details are so precise.

    ESTJs are also known for being very practical people. They can see things like "what it costs" or "what is the best way to lift this heavy object" and they will immediately move to solve the problem. They are not generally interested in theory; they want to get down to business.

    ESTJs generally don't like to analyze emotions or discuss them openly. They like to keep things simple and straightforward.

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