Personality List

    James Potter "Prongs" Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of James Potter "Prongs"? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for James Potter "Prongs" from Harry Potter Book Series and what is the personality traits.

    James Potter "Prongs"

    ESTP (7w8)

    James Potter "Prongs" personality type is ESTP, and the Headmaster is likely to be a "T" (Teacher) type. The Headmaster could be an ISTP, meaning perhaps he has a very strong "S" (Sociable) and "T" (Teacher) personality type. This would fit with his contributions to the "Potions" and "Transfiguration" departments and his skill as a teacher.

    One thing we know statistically about Harry's personality type is that he has a very high interest in the "S" (Sociable) and "T" (Teacher) dimensions of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. Since Harry is such an extremely sociable and outgoing young man, many readers have speculated that this is why he is such a popular figure at Hogwarts.

    Harry Potter and the Power of Responsibility

    Harry has tremendous responsibility thrust upon him at a very young age. His mother sacrifices herself for him and dies to save him and his friends (while also unknowingly saving Voldemort too). He is left with the Dursleys and is expected to make good on his mother's sacrifice by finding and killing Voldemort. He has responsibilities that most people his age do not have, and he takes these responsibilities seriously.

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