Personality List

    James Sidas (The Genius) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of James Sidas (The Genius)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for James Sidas (The Genius) from House Md 2004 and what is the personality traits.

    James Sidas (The Genius)

    INTJ (5w6)

    James Sidas (The Genius) personality type is INTJ, or Intuitive Thinking Judging. The INTJ is often compared to the super-genius, but they are different. While the super-genius is more likely to be a genius at all aspects of life, the INTJ is more likely to be a genius at one particular area (such as mathematics or computers).

    The INTJ is often misunderstood by those who think they are “intellectuals” because they are not always seen as being the most verbal people. They do enjoy talking to others, but they are not always “social butterflies”. While they may ask many questions, they often won’t interrupt others when they are speaking. They are often quiet and reserved, but they love to debate and to share their point of view. Many INTJs do not enjoy small talk because it is not relevant to their current task or project.

    INTJs are described as “quiet”. They are not “loud”, but they are “stern”. They will often make others feel as though they are being judged, but they are simply focused on their own path, and they do not want to be diverted from it.

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