Personality List

    Boogie Woogie Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Boogie Woogie? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Boogie Woogie from Jujutsu Kaisen and what is the personality traits.

    Boogie Woogie

    ESTP (4w3)

    Boogie Woogie personality type is ESTP, which is the most common personality type for entrepreneurs.

    Along with being energized by change, they are also action oriented. They are logical and practical, and enjoy the challenge of taking on a new venture. They are great problem solvers.

    ESTPs are always looking for something new to do or to experience. As an entrepreneur, this is good because they are good at problem solving. ESTPs are also good at making quick decisions, and they are action oriented. They are also very loyal to their friends and family.

    ESTPs are more likely to say that they are part of the “creative minority” or that they are “artistic” rather than “business oriented”.

    As entrepreneurs, ESTPs are very successful at achieving their goals. They are very ambitious, and they have a great deal of energy.

    ESTPs are good at giving out generous rewards for employee contributions. They are generous with money, but not so generous with their time.

    ESTPs are also loyal to their employees, even though they are not so loyal to their friends and family.

    Boogie Woogie (不義遊戯 Bugi Ugi) is Aoi Todo's innate technique. It allows him to swap the orientation of anything with enough requisite cursed energy by clapping his hands.

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