Personality List

    Mai Zenin Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Mai Zenin? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Mai Zenin from Jujutsu Kaisen and what is the personality traits.

    Mai Zenin

    ESTP (6w7)

    Mai Zenin personality type is ESTP, which means she is an Extravert, Sensation-Seeker and Performer.

    Emotionality and Intuition

    Mai Zenin is an emotional girl. She loves connecting with those around her and having fun. The ability to talk about current events and issues with people who understand her, is extremely important to her. She feels better when she can express her emotions and share them with people she cares about.

    One of Mai Zenin’s strongest characteristics is her intuition. She has a strong sense of what will happen next, and she has a very good memory of the past. She can easily read people, and knows how to figure out what they are thinking. As a result, Mai Zenin often makes predictions about the future.

    Mai Zenin also has a strong intuition about people’s motives and intentions. She can tell if someone is being truthful or not just by looking at their facial expressions. In fact, she can even tell by looking at a person’s body language if they are lying to her. This trait makes Mai Zenin a great negotiator and a good negotiator.

    This ability also makes Mai Zenin a great judge of character.

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