Personality List

    Brahman Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Brahman? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Brahman from Tokyo Revengers and what is the personality traits.


    INTJ (5w4)

    Brahman personality type is INTJ, it's not really a matter of type, but of personality and temperaments.

    I once had an INTJ coworker who would literally spend an entire afternoon working on a single sentence, without being able to finish it. I asked him once, "If you can't finish it, why not just start over?" He said that he'd already wasted enough time on it, and didn't want to waste any more. This was a pretty fundamental thing about his personality - he was going to get the job done (his way), or else he was not going to do it at all.

    So that's why I'm not so sure about the INTJ - the problem is that they're so firm in their beliefs, and so convinced of their rightness, that it seems like they would never be able to back down. They might seem like they could be persuadable, but they might not be - they might be so entrenched in their way of thinking that they're not even willing to listen to anyone.

    Brahman (梵ブラフマン, Burafuman) is a gang that was formed 2 years after Tokyo's Sengoku Period.

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