Personality List

    Valhalla Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Valhalla? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Valhalla from Tokyo Revengers and what is the personality traits.


    ENTP (7w8)

    Valhalla personality type is ENTP, the Joker, the Trickster, the One Who Is Not To Be Trusted. I think of them as being a little bit more technical and a bit more philosophical than the other types. They’re less emotional and idealistic, but they’re also more practical and more able to see things as they are. They’re very much like the best of us, in that respect. If I were to be a type, I would say I was an ENTP or an ENFJ.

    So what’s the biggest difference between The Joker and the other types?

    The Joker and the Enneagram types are both very much about exploring ideas and possibilities, and we’re both very creative and also quite analytical. We can look at things from many angles. That’s why we’re so good at our jobs, because we can see it from so many different points of view. But the Joker is so much more than that. The Joker is also about seeing everything as a joke.

    So you take things very seriously—but you also see the humor in everything.

    Valhalla ( 芭流覇羅バルハラ, Baruhara) is a gang known as "The Headless Angel".

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