Personality List

    Skara Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Skara? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Skara from The Owl House 2020 and what is the personality traits.


    ISFP (3w2)

    Skara personality type is ISFP, the Introverted, Sensitive, Feeling Perceiving type. Karla is a young woman of 23 years of age. She is a trainee teacher of a primary school titled "the Hall of the Gods" in her hometown of Asgard Fortress. Her personality is strong and bright, but also a bit shy and nervous. It is believed that she has a strong personality because of her great sadness when she was young, but her personality has improved greatly since her younger days. She is also someone who loves to teach others.


    She has very long blonde hair, which she wears in a ponytail, much like the other girls in the game. Her eyes are very bright, and she has pale skin. She wears the school uniform during class hours, but wears the white dress with blue trim when she is on work at the school. She carries around a small white bag that she carries during work.


    Karla is a very kind person, even though she often gets nervous and shy around others. She is one of the few who can feel sympathy for others, and actually feels bad about hurting them.

    Skara is a recurring minor character in The Owl House. She is a student at Hexside School of Magic and Demonics on the Bard track, as well as one of Amity's friends. She is also a member of the Banshees, Hexside's grudgby team.

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