Personality List

    Vee’s Friend #2 (highschooler with shaggy black hair) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Vee’s Friend #2 (highschooler with shaggy black hair)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Vee’s Friend #2 (highschooler with shaggy black hair) from The Owl House 2020 and what is the personality traits.

    Vee’s Friend #2 (highschooler with shaggy black hair)

    ISTP (5w4)

    Vee’s Friend #2 (highschooler with shaggy black hair) personality type is ISFP, while her friend #1 (twenty-something guy) would be ESFP.

    I didn’t get to meet the third friend, but I discovered his personality type (INFP) in the book.

    I’m an ISFP, so I can imagine feeling attracted to Vee. (I’m also ENFP, but I find that type too moody for me.) (I’m also INFP, but I find that type too weak for me.)

    My reaction to the characters and the story

    The book covers teen romance, but it’s less about love and more about a character discovering who she is.

    Vee is a character that you can relate to. She’s the kind of person who does things for no reason. She’s friendly but doesn’t try to be friends with everyone. She’s curious and has a wide range of interests. She’s shy and takes time to warm up to people. She doesn’t like disappointing people, but she also doesn’t like making excuses when she’s in trouble.

    High schooler with shaggy black hair wearing a purple t-shirt

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