Personality List

    Dai Bo Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Dai Bo? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Dai Bo from Scissor Seven and what is the personality traits.

    Dai Bo

    ESTJ (3w4)

    Dai Bo personality type is ESTJ, which is the most dominant function of Si-Ti-Fe in the personality type system developed by Myers-Briggs.

    The ESTJ personality type is characterized by the following traits:

    A strong desire for structure and order.

    A desire to create a plan and follow it to completion without deviation.

    A need for security and a desire for dependability.

    A desire for reliability and consistency.

    A need for control and a tendency to be rigid and inflexible.

    A preference for facts over feelings.

    A belief that people should behave in a predictable manner.

    A desire to see things done according to a schedule.

    Feelings are important as they can be used as a guide to help them decide how to act, but they do not become important in making decisions.

    ESTJs tend to be very direct and straightforward, and they are not afraid to speak up when they believe something is wrong. They are also good at getting things done, especially if those things are within their scope of responsibility. They tend to be very practical and can find a way to make things work, even if there may be challenges or obstacles along the way.

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