Personality List

    JunJun Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of JunJun? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for JunJun from Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon and what is the personality traits.


    ESTP (8w7)

    JunJun personality type is ESTP, with the dominant function being Extraverted Sensing.

    This personality type is tied to the face, head and neck area on the body, and represents the thinking part of the nervous system.

    Energy is like a waterfall, with extraverted sensing as the rushing water and extraverted thinking as the riverbed, channeling and channeling outwards.

    Extraverted sensing is the inner life, the depths, the ocean of the soul, the reservoir of our life force. Sensing is about exploring this inner life, the depths, swimming in it.

    Extraverted sensing tells us what is in our environment, and how we are responding to it.

    We are, in a sense, a ‘body’, as we are made of matter, as we are formed of atoms that move around us. This is not necessarily spatial movement, but movement in time: we exist now, and our sensory experience tells us “this is where I am now.”

    Sensing also gives us information about where we are ‘at’ in time.

    We can look around, and we can see that our place in time is different.

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