Personality List

    Royale High Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Royale High? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Royale High from Roblox and what is the personality traits.

    Royale High

    ENFJ (4w3)

    Royale High personality type is ENFJ, which is the extrovert, intuitive, feeling, judging, perceiving variant.

    ENFJs are warm, charming, engaging, and generous. ENFJs are often the center of attention. They are often the first to volunteer to help others, and they are sometimes so caught up in helping others that they can become insensitive to their own needs. They are also sometimes indiscreet, abrupt, and inconsiderate—but ENFJs are also generous and kind-hearted.

    ENFJs are often active in politics or social service organizations because they want to make the world a better place. ENFJs are happiest when they are helping others. They are often active in local community organizations because they are motivated by kindness and compassion.

    ENFJs are also sometimes involved in humanitarian work because they want to improve the lives of others. ENFJs often have strong feelings about how the world should be run—they are often idealistic about how things should be done. They see the world as being divided into "the haves" and "the have-nots" and view their mission as being to help the latter group become part of the former group.

    Royale High, formerly Fairies and Mermaids Winx High School, is a high school themed roleplaying game on Roblox made by callmehbob. It is set across magical realms for royalty, fairies, mermaids, and other magical creatures.

    The game was first created on 4/10/2017 as Fairies and Mermaids Winx High School, and Royale High beta was first released in November 2017.

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